Academic Catalog

Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering faculty member works with students.

Home Department: Chemical Engineering

Department Head:

Susan Farhat, Ph.D.

Program Overview

Chemical engineers apply the principles of chemistry, math, and physics to the design and operation of large-scale chemical manufacturing processes.  They translate processes developed in the lab into practical applications for the production of products such as plastics, medicines, detergents, and fuels; design plants to maximize productivity and minimize costs; and evaluate operations for performance and product quality.  Due to the diversity seen in the field, chemical engineers have a broad knowledge of engineering science and environmental regulations, and as a consequence are prepared to manage large scale, multi-disciplinary projects.

The BS in Chemical Engineering is designed to prepare graduates with an understanding of advanced chemistry topics; fundamental material and energy balances for chemical processes; thermodynamics; fluid dynamics and heat transfer; chemical reaction engineering; separations and mass transfer technology; and process design, optimization, and control. Students are also exposed to experimental and computational methods related to chemical engineering, in a sequential set of courses beginning in their sophomore year.  Many of these laboratory courses require students to work in teams to submit written and oral reports or apply computational software to complete their projects. In their senior year, students take part in a capstone design course which allows them to integrate the knowledge acquired from their prior foundational courses. Throughout the curriculum, process safety and health as well as environmental and ethical issues in engineering are incorporated.  Chemical engineering elective courses are designed to expose students to applications of chemical engineering - including polymer science and engineering, sustainable engineering design, battery technology, and process safety.   

Graduates of this program are working in a wide range of industries including petrochemicals, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, alternative energy, food, electronics, health, automotive, aerospace, and the environment. Many of them work in product and process engineering, research and development, operations, technical sales, engineering systems design, plant or corporate management, and manufacturing. Common minors that complement the BS in Chemical Engineering degree include Sustainability, Business, Manufacturing, PreMed, and Statistics.

Kettering University’s Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering is a strong interdisciplinary program which draws on the strengths of our exceptional faculty, curricula, laboratories, and unique co-op component.

The Chemical Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET.

Program Educational Objectives

The Chemical Engineering program is designed to provide its graduates a solid educational foundation on which they can build successful and sustainable careers in chemical engineering or a related field.  In particular, all graduates of the Chemical Engineering program will:

  • Be employed or pursuing an advanced degree in the field of chemical engineering or other related disciplines.
  • Be productive members of interdisciplinary teams.
  • Assume leadership positions in their industry, their continuing education, or in their communities, as their careers develop.
  • Continue their professional development and engage in the life-long learning necessary for a sustainable career.


Undergraduate students also have an opportunity to get their bachelor's and master's degrees in five years with the BS/MASTERS Pathway

Chemical Engineering Program Curriculum Requirements

First Year Experience
CILE-101First Year Foundations1
General Education
COMM-101Rhetoric & Writing4
ECON-201Economic Principles4
LA-201Sophomore Seminar: Exploring the Human Condition4
LA-489Sr. Seminar:Leadership, Ethics4
Advanced Humanities Electives 18
Advanced Social Science Electives 18
Total Credit Hours33

Humanities and Social Science advanced electives must be selected from approved 300 and 400 level courses.

Basic Sciences
Select one of the following:4
General Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry Lab
Principles of Chemistry
and Principles of Chemistry Lab
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Lab
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHEM-347Organic Chemistry II4
Advanced Chemistry Elective & Lab 37
Newtonian Mechanics
and Newtonian Mechanics Laboratory
Electricity and Magnetism
and Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory
Credit Hours Subtotal: 33
MATH-101Calculus I4
or MATH-101X Calculus I
MATH-102Calculus II4
or MATH-102X Calculus II
MATH-203Multivariate Calculus4
or MATH-203X Multivariate Calculus
MATH-204Differential Equations & Laplace Transforms4
MATH-258Probability and Statistics4
Credit Hours Subtotal: 20
Engineering Topics
CHME-100Introduction to Chemical Engineering4
CHME-200Mass & Energy Balance4
CHME-210Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics4
CHME-225Computing in Chemical Engineering2
CHME-310Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer4
CHME-325Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Lab2
CHME-330Mass Transfer and Separations4
CHME-350Reaction Engineering4
CHME-360Sustainable Engineering Design: Energy and the Environment4
CHME-425Separations, Reactions, and Prototyping Lab3
CHME-430Process Controls4
CHME-440Senior Chemical Engineering Design I4
CHME-480Chemical Engineering Capstone4
Chemical Engineering Elective4
EE-212Applied Electrical Circuits3
MECH-231LSignals for Mechanical Systems Lab1
Credit Hours Subtotal: 55
Technical Electives 48
Free Electives8
Credit Hours Subtotal: 16
Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis Initiation
and Undergraduate Thesis Completion 5

(Minimum) Total Credits Required for Program: 1612


 The minimum total number of credit hours required for graduation is 161; however, the total number of credit hours taken may exceed 161.  All Chemical Engineering majors must meet the general educational requirements and their program’s requirements for a minor or concentration.


 Advanced Chemistry Elective/Lab must be numbered 300 or higher and cannot be Organic Chemistry I or Organic Chemistry II, since these are are already required courses.


A minimum of eight hours of technical electives are required for the Chemical Engineering Degree.  A technical elective may be any course numbered 300-599 in BIOL, CE, CHEM, CHME, CS, EE, IME, ISYS, MATH, MECH, or PHYS that is not used to complete core degree requirements.  Additional courses that can be used include BUSN-303, BUSN-304, and MGMT-419/619.  Other courses may be used but require approval by the Department Head of Chemical Engineering.


Students are automatically registered for CILE-400 in a co-op term when they reach Junior II status. 

Representative Program1,2

Plan of Study Grid
Freshman ICredit Hours
CILE-101 First Year Foundations 1
General Chemistry I
or Principles of Chemistry
CHEM-136 Principles of Chemistry Lab 1
CHME-100 Introduction to Chemical Engineering 4
COMM-101 Rhetoric & Writing 4
MATH-101 Calculus I 4
 Credit Hours17
Freshman II
CHEM-237 General Chemistry II 3
CHEM-238 General Chemistry II Lab 1
ECON-201 Economic Principles 4
MATH-102 Calculus II 4
PHYS-114 Newtonian Mechanics 3
PHYS-115 Newtonian Mechanics Laboratory 1
 Credit Hours16
Sophomore I
CHEM-345 Organic Chemistry I 4
CHEM-346 Organic Chemistry I Lab 2
CHME-200 Mass & Energy Balance 4
MATH-203 Multivariate Calculus 4
PHYS-224 Electricity and Magnetism 3
PHYS-225 Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory 1
 Credit Hours18
Sophomore II
CHEM-347 Organic Chemistry II 4
CHME-210 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 4
CHME-225 Computing in Chemical Engineering 2
LA-201 Sophomore Seminar: Exploring the Human Condition 4
MATH-204 Differential Equations & Laplace Transforms 4
 Credit Hours18
Junior I
CHME-310 Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer 4
CHME-325 Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Lab 2
Advanced Humanities or Social Science Elective 4
Advanced Chemistry Elective & Lab 7
 Credit Hours17
Junior II
CHME-330 Mass Transfer and Separations 4
CHME-350 Reaction Engineering 4
CHME-360 Sustainable Engineering Design: Energy and the Environment 4
Advanced Humanities or Social Science Elective 4
 Credit Hours16
Senior I
CHME-425 Separations, Reactions, and Prototyping Lab 3
CHME-430 Process Controls 4
EE-212 Applied Electrical Circuits 3
MECH-231L Signals for Mechanical Systems Lab 1
Technical Elective 4
Advanced Humanities or Social Science Elective 4
 Credit Hours19
Senior II
CHME-440 Senior Chemical Engineering Design I 4
CHME-491 Adv Chemical Engng Elective 4
MATH-258 Probability and Statistics 4
Advanced Humanities or Social Science Elective 4
Free Elective 4
 Credit Hours20
Senior III
CHME-480 Chemical Engineering Capstone 4
Technical Elective 4
Free Elective 4
LA-489 Sr. Seminar:Leadership, Ethics 4
 Credit Hours16
Any Term
Undergraduate Thesis Initiation
and Undergraduate Thesis Completion
 Credit Hours4
 Total Credit Hours161

(Minimum) Total Credits Required for Program: 1611


The minimum total number of credit hours required for graduation is 161; however, the total number of credit hours taken may exceed 161.  All Chemical Engineering majors must meet the general educational requirements and their program’s requirements for a minor or concentration.


Humanities and Social Science electives must be selected from approved 300 or 400 level courses.


 Advanced Chemistry Elective/Lab must be numbered 300 or higher and cannot be Organic Chemistry I or Organic Chemistry II, since these are are already required courses.


A minimum of 8 hours of technical electives are required for the Chemical Engineering Degree.  A technical elective may be any course numbered 300-599 in BIOL, CE, CHEM, CHME, CS, EE, IME, ISYS, MATH, MECH, or PHYS that is not used to complete core degree requirements.  Other courses may be used but require approval by the Department Head of Chemical Engineering.