Academic Catalog

MS in Engineering: Electrical Engineering

Professor assists two students.

Home Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Available: On Campus Only

Program Advisor/Contact:

Dr. Girma Tewolde

Program Overview

The Master of Science in Engineering is a professional master’s program that builds on an undergraduate engineering program by offering additional depth and greater mastery in a number of technical areas.

Program Objectives

All graduates of the Master of Science in Engineering program will:

  • Deepen their knowledge and increase their mastery of technical areas that match their personal career goals.
  • Be better prepared to advance in positions of technical and/or managerial leadership.
  • Develop their ability to sustain a life-long career in engineering through continuing self-directed learning and professional development activities.

The MSE in Electrical Engineering program is an on-campus program designed for individuals who wish to deepen their understanding of electrical engineering principles and applications and to develop their skills in independent research. Students study topics such as dynamic systems modeling, digital signal processing, and digital control, vector control of AC electric machines, energy storage systems, modeling and control of e-mobility systems, and robot dynamics and control. The program requires a minimum of 40 credit hours of graduate work. There are two options available: 1) Thesis option (consists of coursework, research, and a thesis), and 2) Non-thesis option (consists of only coursework).

Graduate Assistantship

Financial support, in the form of a tuition waiver or stipend, is available on a competitive basis. Students who receive a stipend are required to serve as a Research Assistant (RA), Teaching Assistant (TA), or a Staff Assistant (SA) for up to 20 hours per week (depending on the level of financial support offered). For more information on graduate funding, please contact the Graduate School at

Program Curriculum Requirements

Completion of 40 credits as follows:

ECE-610Modeling of Dynamic Systems4
Thesis option: Select three of the following:12
Non-thesis option: Select five of the following:20
Digital Systems Design
VLSI Design
Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Automotive Engineering
or EE-634
Digital Signal Processing
Machine Drives for Electric Vehicles
or EE-646
Vector Control of AC Electric Machines
Electromagnetic Compatibility
eMobility System Analysis & Control
Energy Storage Systems with EV Applications
Power Electronics for Vehicle Electrification
or EE-624
Power Electronics & Applications
Digital Control Systems
Fundamentals of Power Systems
Robot Dynamics and Control
Graduate Special Topics in EE
Graduate Level Independent Study in Electrical Engineering
Thesis option: Any two graduate-level elective courses8
EE-695Graduate Research in Electrical Engineering8
EE-695Graduate Research in Electrical Engineering8
Completion and successful defense of a master’s thesis
Non-thesis option: Any four graduate-level elective courses16

Undergraduate-level coursework might also be required for some students as a prerequisite for either graduate-level coursework or research, depending on the student’s background and the nature of the coursework or research. If required, undergraduate-level credit cannot be used to satisfy the graduate-level credit requirements given above.

The program operates on a calendar similar to a conventional quarter system: Fall, Winter, and Spring terms are “regular” academic terms during which students normally enroll full-time, and the Summer term is optional. The nominal plan of study calls for a total of six terms of study over 21 months.

First Year Fall 8 credits coursework
First Year Winter 8 credits coursework
First Year Spring 8 credits coursework
Second Year Fall 8 credits coursework
Second Year Winter 8 credits coursework
Second Year Spring Thesis defense and submission

Many variations of this plan are possible. In particular, students may begin the program in any term, not just Fall, and may elect to register for coursework or research during Summer. Students may not, however, register for more than eight credits in a term.